0 comments Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I've heard they (him?) have a new album.
In any case Spiritulized have a unique sound. Often it was lumped into the rave chillout genre, which wasn't a bad thing in the 90s because many well respected artists were featured in this genre.
J Spaceman headed the group Spaceman 3 in the 80's and formed Spiritualized in 1991.
Spiritualized's music could range from abstract to pop/rock gems.

The Twelve Steps captures the beauty and chaos of their sound.
This comes from the album Let It Come Down from the website.

0 comments Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Really can't stop listening to these guys at the moment. Their sound is very fresh without delving into the electro influence of many modern pop bands. Very much remind me of the Shins with a slightly more ramshackle approach and less likely to cause a sweet overdose after 4 songs.

They have a groovy website & Myspace page.

Songs are available to buy from their website.

Listen to Port O'Brien
Close the Lid

My eyes won't shut

Five and Dime

0 comments Sunday, May 18, 2008

The New Nine Inch Nails album is available free for download at The Slip Website.

Haven't had a great listen to the album yet. If their previous albums are anything to go by then I'll love a couple of tracks and be fairly indifferent to rest.
I do love this track - Discipline
Nine Inch Nails Website